So much to do. So little time.
Its like 12.22 am, and I have officially given up on studying. I have 2 MUN's to prepare for, I also have to go buy new shoes, rebond hair AND MOST IMPORTANTLY STUDY FOR COMMON TESTS! How am I going to study if I don't have the time to?
Now the few minutes I'm using to write this post could totally be used to study chem or math or something... but no. I'm just so stubborn I REFUSE TO STUDY!! I'll not study and soon probably drop out of school, end up being a whore from Poland on the streets of Budapest in Hungary. ( YES THIS IS FROM MUN RESEARCH!!! Its getting to my BRAIN SEE!)
HAHA THAT WOULD BE SAD. Nah I shall study, in well a little while... probably not going to sleep today. WOW IM NOT SLEEPING NOW. SEE WHAT YOU DID SCHOOL! YOU TOOK AWAY MY BEAUTY SLEEP!! I SHALL MAKE YOU PAY! AAAAAH
I think I have officially lost my sanity, dayumn. All I can think of is doing something stupid then getting punished by SOLITARY CONFINEMENT! shit. That poem was freaking sad... made me feel sooo bad!
As in like dayumn can you imagine, its like being blind, just IMAGINE! No one to talk to, and being stuck in total darkness...... a world filled with haunting silence and where time doesn't exist. A place filled with loneliness... isolation, taking over you... isn't it scary??? I find it scary.
SEE I ENDED UP TALKING ABOUT A POEM WE DID IN LITERATURE! Ugh stupid school. But I gotta admit that poem does make me wanna thank God for everything I have. And no now I'm not going to list down all the cheesy stuff.
tired, sleepy. damn.
I can't believe this. He is such a son of a bitch. I can't believe myself. I can't believe anything that happened today.
He dumped me. You know why??? Cuz I called his friend a loser.... and the fact of the matter is, that his friend REALLY IS A LOSER. He is a pedophile, has dolphin teeth and can't even speak proper english... and guess what I got dumped over someone LIKE THAT! ugh.
And no I'm not sad because I got dumped or whatever, its just uncool. I feel depressed, I really do. This is sooo unfair. I don't want to get back with him. NO WAY. I can't take no more stress...
You wanna know why I showed you the attitude??? Its because you changed. When we were friends, it was perfect. After wards it sucked. I hated it, every part of it... because it was not the same. If you didn't have time, the least you could do was sms at night. Just once. In a day. ONCE. It doesn't kill... I'm glad you dumped me, I seriously am. Cuz I don't need someone who cares soooooo much about his friends that everything I say is just like a sin.
I have the right to express my opinions. I could say it again and again to your face that your friend IS A LOSER! Not just a loser actually he's mean, and user friendly, and all he ever did was flirt. You call my friend a slut all the fucking time, I don't go fuck you over for it do I?
You said its easy to dump me right? Because I won't "bug" you or whatever. Well guess what "honey" you messed with the wrong bitch.
Oh people don't get me wrong yeah? I'm not pissed or sad or whatever shit because I got dumped. IM HAPPY BECAUSE I STILL HAVE MY SISTERS!! AND MY CLASSMATES!! Who I totally love. I don't need anyone or anything else... to make my life anymore perfect then it already is.
I'm just angry because your reason is your friend, who not only hates it when you get a girl, but isn't even sincere. You'll get the taste of your own medicine soon enough. In fact you have seen him betray you a hundred times... but damn it you're blind. Oh well it isn't any of my business anymore.. so I'll go enjoy single life with my ladies, while you suffer with your oh so "perfect" friends.