There are so many thoughts going on in my head right now... its crazy. I don't know why but today my attitude is just like what it was, the attitude I was trying to hide, the one I didn't want anyone to see. Its like, I know I'm a bitch, but haven't felt this bitchy in ages! And baby I'M LOVING IT! Cuz you know what?! I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT WHAT ANYONE THINKS! In fact I don't care about anything right now!
This is so awesome. I missed this attitude... I got it from American school... and baby I don't plan to lose it. I'm so sick of being nice to people... so fucking sick of it. All people do is bitch about me for no fucking reason. I don't know most of em -.-, funny innit? If you gotta prob with me ... man come to my face... don't mess around behind my back because that makes you a fucked up COWARD!
2-0-0-9. A new year, a new beginning, new class, new people, new friends, new enemies, new problems. Most importantly.... new drama and new gossip! All you mofos better entertain me well, I'm getting bored of the old drama....
For no reason at all, I feel really powerful... yet so confused. I'm also very sad... my bff is a ho'.... its heartbreaking..... oh well....
Preview User @
2:26:00 AM
Honey you called me a ho. WHAT THE HELL??? You're the one with the nude pics
everywhere.... awwwww how sad... what will happen when daddy realizes that his lil girl is a fucked up ho??
HA! NUDE PICS! SERIOUSLY?! DAMN GIRL! THAT'S LIKE CLASSICA BABY!!! I wish your lil army knew, I'm sure they do... wonder why you're still in their gang...
EWWW YOU AND NAKED!! AAAAH BAD IMAGES!! IM GONNA PUKE BLOOD!!!! You with yo' hairy-ness ugh... look which ho' stooped so fucking low... check you out!!!
Dayumn... you sooo deserve this.... woahh payback is such a bitch! I told you to not mess with me in my territory... but oh well people make mistakes, you made a big one... how saddd!!!!
Preview User @
2:51:00 AM
I WATCHED TWILIGHT. On the internet but I still watched it before it came out! The sad thing is, twilight was A MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENT. M.A.J.O.R. Kristen Stewart sucked, yeah she was pretty BUT she was emotionless -_-
Edward Cullen did not say "No blood, No foul"... HE DID NOT SAY IT!!! I WAS SOO LOOKING FORWARD TO IT! The movie also missed out on soo many scenes! Seriously movie was such a disappointment, but I will still buy it on DVD! Just for collection sake...
I ended up watching 2 other movies that were amazing! They're pretty old, P.S I LOVE YOU and THE NOTEBOOK! THEY ARE SOOO AWESOME! Both the movies made me cry... a lot... I cried sooo much that my bro's got freaked out...
Both the movies were wayyy better then twilight. Way, WAYY, WAYYYY better.... sadly....
Preview User @
12:53:00 PM
OK I know you don't like her, but she's my friend... and you do not get to choose MY friends.
I mean fine legally you have the right to do whatever, but seriously just because you tell me not to does not mean I can't.
Hello? We're in the same class! If I don't get to hang with her outside school, obviously I will hang with her INSIDE school... duh....
Also, whats with the dumb rules? I'm not calling you dumb, so don't freak out... I'm just calling your rules dumb. Yes there is a difference. =)
I understand you care, and I completely understand that you're worried about me... but I'm not 10 anymore. I'm FIFTEEN!!! F.I.F.T.E.E.N, 15 dude!! There is a difference. You're probably just scared that I'm growing up too fast but please please trust me, because I'm much slower then anyone else seriously!
I love the fact that you care, but I can make my own friends and also NOT get influenced by them, I have my own mind... I swear I do. I look stupid but I'm not!! hahah Preview User @
10:23:00 PM
Today I had the funnest day ever!! This was even funner then the time we went stalking! ;)
I knew you were fun to talk to ... but who knew you were even better face to face. Veena and I enjoyed a lot! I mean a lot!! It was like awesome, you're reactions are a killer!! We hope you had fun too, and I'm sure you did. Thanks so much for just tolerating our retarded selves!! hahahah It was super cool hanging with you even if it looked like gang bang in which you were the victim!! kidding kidding! We went to bugis where we sat in KFC for a pretty long time, after that we walked around in which we embarassed you pretty badly! SORRY!!! But then again we embarass everyone!! Unintentionally... but we still do!! =D
Anyway then we went to mcdonalds for icecream! And as we all know I LOVE ICECREAM!! After that we went to some table in some weird, dark, lonely building, but it was sooo cool!!
Dayumn. Today was just so fun... an amazing day after such a long time!!!
Preview User @
8:24:00 PM
MP3 not working.
Bored to death.
Holidays suck.
Nothing to do.
Need to go shopping.
Can't wait till nose piercing.
Need pink hair.
Need to grow nails.
Need to go out.
Need to go run.
Need to exercise.
Need to swim.
Need new jeans.
My skirt ripped.
So I need a new one.
Need to get colored lenses.
Sale at Bugis.
Need to go there.
Need pizza.
Mom going to China.
No mom for a week. T_T
Need new pajamas.
Need hair accessories.
Basically need a major shopping spree.
Need Itouch.
Need to dance.
Need to go clubbing.
Feel like getting wasted.
=D Preview User @
4:46:00 PM